Namad Technology

Technology at Namad plays a crucial and prominent role, serving as one of the foundational pillars of organizational decisions and strategies. The position of technology at Namad is to create value and foster growth within the company, acting as a tool to enhance performance, improve customer services, develop products, and increase efficiency. The company regularly and consistently invests in this area, actively engaging in the development and updating of its technology and information systems.

1. Collaboration with Startups and Innovators: Collaboration with startups, accelerators, or RD centers focused on innovation and creating new technologies
2. Education and Learning: The company is committed to the regular and continuous education and learning in technology by developing technological skills among employees and enhancing capabilities and knowledge related to technology.
3. Technology Security: The company places a strong and meticulous emphasis on information security within its systems and processes, recognizing the critical importance of safeguarding data.